This year’s festival on the 7/8th September had an impressive line-up in all areas, from chefs, drinks experts, food stalls, drink stalls, cookery school for kids, music, and much more! The weather was opposite to the 30C temperatures and sunshine in 2023. It was typical British summer weather with dull, low-lying cloud with rain! However, this did not stop the crowds, and they enjoyed the food, drink, music and cookery demos all weekend. These pictures are from the weekend.

They asked me to do two demonstrations in the Masterclass Kitchen and one demo in the Chef Kitchen on Saturday. In the Chef Kitchen, I showed how to cook Chicken Saute Normandy, and had a great time. The audience quickly enjoyed the cooked food. Following one of my demos, I was told by a man who had seen my pasta-making demo last year that I had inspired him to make all of his pasta, which he now does! That was lovely and amazing feedback which I appreciate and makes it worthwhile sharing my passion for cooking!
The local press covered the festival well.
Click here to read the article and see the pictures.
I have put all of my recipes into a small booklet for you to download for free.
If you have questions or want to talk about recipes, food and drink please email me I am looking forward to next year and wondering what recipes I can show in 2025! Thanks to everyone one who came and enjoyed the atmosphere and fun of the GWB!
See you all again in 2025!